How To Change Your Age On Discord? Easy Steps!!

Have you accidentally changed your age on Discord? Do you want to know how to change your age on Discord? Well, you have come to the right place. Be it Gaming, Chatting, or Hanging out, Discord is one of the coolest places. In Discord, you can join thousands of friends via different servers. However, some servers are for adults only, which means 18+.

Discord is one of the best locations to connect or join a community. The minimum age to join Discord is 12 years. There are so many servers available on Discord with their own rules some are for packing, roasting, chatting, calling, gamers, and many more. Some of which are not suitable for the age group of below 17 so in order to join NSFW ( Not Safe For Work) servers you have to be 18+. The server owners are impacted by NSFW. If you are underage and still join the server your Discord account can get Banned too. 

To Change your Age on Discord you have to submit a request to Discord. You will get a form, in which you have to fill in your date of birth and attach a photo of yourself with your ID. Then you have to wait for Discord to change your age. You also have to hold a piece of paper that will show your full Discord Tag. Now you have to wait for 1 to 3 business days and if your request is successful your age will be changed.

The age criteria are added to Discord because of safety and security. Discord did this to keep the app safe for users of all ages. Discord places a great focus on making sure that the content a user is exposed to is suitable for them. There is no age verification when you sign up for Discord but later if you want to join the specific Discord server you have to follow some procedures. So, if you have mistakenly set your age below 18 and you want to change it we have the guide. Hop in to know the easy ways to change your age on Discord.

How To Change Your Age On Discord?

To Change your Age on Discord is not that easy, because Discord cares too much about users’ privacy and safety. To change your age on Discord first you have to submit a request to Discord that you want to change your age. 

You will get a form, in which you have to fill in your date of birth and attach a photo of yourself with your ID.

Then you have to wait for Discord to change your age, your age will not be changed if you will not provide all the requested pieces of information. You also have to hold a piece of paper that will show your full Discord Tag.

To get your age changed and verified you have to follow all the steps properly. Let’s know in detail about the steps below. 

How To Change Your Age On Discord? Submit Request 

To Submit a Request Form > Visit Discord Support > “What Can We Help You With” > Dropdown box >  “Trust and Safety” > e-mail Address >  “How Can We Help” > “Appeals, Age Update, Other Questions” 

How To Change Your Age On Discord

Step 1: Navigate to Submit a Request Form

Step 2: Visit Discord Support

Step 3: Look for “What Can We Help You With” in the Dropdown box

Step 4: Click on the Dropdown box

Step 5: Select “Trust and Safety”

Step 6: Fill in your e-mail Address

Step 7: Click on the “How Can We Help” Dropdown box

Step 8:  Select the “Appeals, Age Update, Other Questions” option 

How To Change Your Age On Discord? Fill Date Of Birth

To Fill date of Birth > “Appeals, Age Update, Other Questions” > “Update my age information” > “Date of Birth” >  “Please confirm that you have attached the required materials” > Subject Line

How To Change Your Age On Discord

Step 1: After selecting the “Appeals, Age Update, Other Questions” option

Step 2: Scroll down and click on the “Appeals, Age Update, Other Questions” Dropdown box

Step 3: The dropdown box contains multiple options – “Appeal an action taken on my account or bot”, “Update my age information”, “I’m the parent or guardian of a user”, and “Ask a policy question”.

Step 4: Select the “Update my age information” option

Step 5: On the “Date of Birth” field, enter your date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY).

Step 6: Check the “Please confirm that you have attached the required materials” checkbox

Step 7: Include a Subject Line (ex. “Need Assistance in Changing my Age”)

How To Change Your Age On Discord? Attach A Photo With ID

To Attach Photo with ID > “Description” > explain the issue > Attachments > photo ID > Discord Tag >  “Add file” >  Attach > Send > “Submit”

How To Change Your Age On Discord

Step 1: After you entered Subject Line, Scroll Down

Step 2: Under the “Subject” field, there is a “Description” field

Step 3: On the “Description” field, explain the issue that you’re facing on Discord (Ex. “Hi, my actual date of birth is 02/02/2000, but I put 2005 by accident. Please help me to change it, thanks”)

Step 4: Under the “Description” field, there are Attachments. Select it

Step 5: Take a photo of yourself holding your photo ID and a piece of paper that shows your Discord Tag

Step 6: Click on the “Add file” link

Step 7: Select the Photo that you have taken and Attach it

Step 8: Send the Photo with the email address that is associated with your Discord Account.

Step 9: Click on “Submit”

Step 10: It’s Done 

Now you have to wait for 1 to 3 business days after submitting the request. If your request is successful you will be able to access 18+ servers.

To Sum Up 

This was all about How To Change Your Age On Discord, you can also change your age on Discord without ID too. Create a new Discord account, and set your date of birth to 18 or above but you will need a secondary e-mail address for this. 

Comment if this article was informative and helped you to change your age on Discord. 


Q. How do I change my birth date on Discord?

To Change your Age on Discord you have to submit a request to Discord. You will get a form, in which you have to fill in your date of birth and attach a photo of yourself with your ID. Then you have to wait for Discord to change your age. You also have to hold a piece of paper that will show your full Discord Tag.

Q. How do I change my age on Discord NSFW?

To Change your Age on Discord NSFW you have to submit a request to Discord. You will get a form, in which you have to fill in your date of birth and attach a photo of yourself with your ID. Then you have to wait for Discord to change your age. Now you have to wait for 1 to 3 business days after submitting the request. If your request is successful you will be able to access 18+ servers of Discord NSFW.

Q. How do you show your 18 on Discord?

To show that you are 18+ on Discord you have to send an e-mail to Discord containing your ID and Age proof. Then you have to wait for a few weeks to be verified. 

Koushal Jaral

Koushal is an Associate Content Writer at MyGraphicsGalore. He is one of the most passionate writers whose fondness for video games has made him write about trending Video Games, their live streaming & Discord, daily for a living. Any How to, FAQ, or any other troubleshoot for any Video Game is available with Koushal 24x7.

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