How To Turn On Mastodon Secure Mode? Learn The Details!!

Are you using the Mastodon app? Well, it is the new craze among people these days as the app is gaining lots of popularity. Well, the best part is users can turn on Mastodon secure mode and secure their public toots from getting fetched by blocked domains!

The Mastodon app has lots of untapped features that are tried out by users these days. Users can freely interact on this platform and enjoy using the platform. They can post on Mastodon, interact with others, reply to someone’s toots, and do a lot more things on this free open-source platform. Well, users can even turn on Mastodon secure mode. 

How to turn on Mastodon secure mode? The secure mode on the app is also known as Authorized fetch. This mode is not turned on by default. When it is set to true, the inline-signing activities are stopped by Mastodon. It requires remote servers to authenticate while fetching any public or unlisted toots.

This post will further help you to find out how you can turn on Mastodon secure mode and more details related to the secure mode on the Mastodon platform. So, without further ado, let us jump into the post and find out how to turn on Mastodon secure mode. 

How To Turn On Mastodon Secure Mode?

The Mastodon secure mode is not turned on by default and you can turn on Mastodon secure mode by yourself if you care more about security. This mode is known as Authorized fetch on the Mastodon platform. When you set the mode to true, it is turned on. Mastodon uses the environment variables as its configuration. 

It makes certain changes so let us what changes are made when you turn on Mastodon secure mode.

  1. Mastodon will stop generating any linked-data signatures for public posts which prevent these from being efficiently redistributed. 
  2. Mastodon needs HTTP signature authentication on ActivityPub representations of public profiles and posts that are available normally without any authentication. 
  3. Mastodon will need any REST/ streaming API access for having a user context as normally several API endpoints are available without authentication. 

With these changes and authentication mechanisms as well as avoiding the re-distribution mechanisms that don’t have the server in the loop, it is possible to enforce who can or cannot retrieve the public server from anyone’s server. 

When you turn on Mastodon secure mode or the AUTHORIZED_FETCH Mode and it is set to true, Mastodon will stop inline signing activities and also needs the remote servers to authenticate whenever they try fetching public data or unlisted toots. 


Here ends the post on how to turn on Mastodon secure mode. This post discusses the details related to the Mastodon secure mode or Authorized fetch. You can also set it to true and turn it on. Users can work on the Mastodon app and also create their own server on Mastodon. Share with us in the comment section if you have started using the Mastodon app or have created a server on Mastodon yet or not!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can You Switch Your Mastodon Server?

A. Yes, you can. It is possible to switch the Mastodon server. The best way to do that without caring about losing your followers is to register on a new server > Choose an account from the menu > Move from another account.

Q2. Can I Create Account On Mastodon App?

A. Yes, you can. It is possible to create an account on the Mastodon app. You just need your username, email address, and password for that. 

Q3. Is Mastodon Any Good?

A. Yes, it might be. The Mastodon platform is considered better than many other social networking platforms. It is claimed to be a safer app than many other social media platforms available in the world.

Koushal Jaral

Koushal is an Associate Content Writer at MyGraphicsGalore. He is one of the most passionate writers whose fondness for video games has made him write about trending Video Games, their live streaming & Discord, daily for a living. Any How to, FAQ, or any other troubleshoot for any Video Game is available with Koushal 24x7.

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